Sensibilisation auprès des clients
Overall, these courses provide encouraging results, most of the participants in this course express the will to repent and affirmrealizeof the reality of prostitution.
But it is not uncommon for some to stick to their guns and defend prostitution as a necessary evil.
Overall, these courses provide encouraging results, most of the participants in this course express the will to repent and affirmrealizeof the reality of prostitution.
But it is not uncommon for some to stick to their guns and defend prostitution as a necessary evil.
NO Pimping.
EACP in schools
The Action Teams Against Pimping have set up since the end of 2015 aprevention and awareness campaignaimed at young people to inform them of the realities of prostitution:danger of pimping, excesses of cybersex…
These educational interventions are an opportunity for young people to ask concrete questions to a lawyer, a psychologist, and members of the EACP. This allows them to understand the reality of the world of prostitution and its dangers, beyond the prejudices they may have about those who claim to be sex workers.
Since 2016, the EACPs have also provided training for employees of large groups to raise awareness of the consequences of prostitution, pimping and human trafficking.
Some environments, such as hotels or construction, may regularly be faced with situations of paid sex, it is important that staff know what reflexes to adopt.
The EACP fight against misinformation that tends to trivialize prostitution through interviews and debates in different media. (Le Monde, Le Parisien, Elle, TF1, Europe 1, France-Inter, etc.).